May 12 |
Who Told You That?
Speaker - Pastor Troy Ferguson |
Many times we have a perception of something concerning ourselves based on distorted information from the enemy. This message is based on the story of Adam and Eve when God said, Who told you that you were naked? Continuing on to address the issues of when actions or events in our lives become the core of our identity. Concluding this message with a special section for Mother's Day as our mom's are given gifts and tools to become all that God says they are. |
May 5 |
Swinging Back
Speaker - Pastor Jim Balzano |
This is a message about responding to very difficult challenges in our life. This past week, our pastor and family suffered a great loss and we, as a church, stand in the gap to cover and support his family. Carrying the mantle our leader has set forth, we respond to the enemy's tactics by "swinging back" with the message to love God, stop sinning, and respond to the great commission. |
Apr 28 |
House of Terror
Speaker - Pastor Jim Balzano |
God told the Israelites coming out of Egypt that He would send His terror ahead of them when confronting the systemic evil rooted in the Promised Land. Rahab confirmed it when she told the spies that the terror of God's people had made the hearts evil melt before them. This message reminds believers that we are NOT on the defensive but rather the offensive and that we, as individuals as well as the corporate body are to be a living breathing house of terror to the devil. |
Apr 21 |
A Time To Run
Speaker - Pastor Jim Balzano |
The Apostle Paul used the example of competitive running a number of times in his writings to inspire believers to strive and spend themselves for the Gospel. This message talks bout several aspects of the race - preparation, purpose, and the prize for running. God is earnestly calling His church to run - run for the prize. It's your time to RUN. |
Apr 14 |
When The Wine Ran Out
Speaker - Pastor Jim Balzano |
Jesus performed an incredible creative work of God at the wedding in Cana in John 2. Using this as the backdrop this message deals with 4 aspects of faith that are involved in Him performing this miracle that brought joy to the wedding and saved the hosts from humiliation. In addition to the miracle this passage is a prophetic insight into the new covenant that He came to initiate between God and humanity. |
Apr 7 |
Living In the Fulness of God's Purpose
Speaker - Pastor John Gray |
Pastor John updated us on the ministries occurring weekly at Hope Community including Hope Community church on Saturday evenings, The Father's House, The Father's Table and The Wall. After which, he brought a powerful message on living in the fulness of God's purpose for our lives. |
Mar 31 |
His Love Never Ran Out
Speaker - Pastor Jim Balzano |
Many of us can relate to the story of Peter who was a man that loved God, had revelations from God, and yet denied He even knew Jesus when at a crucial moment in His life. If the story of Jesus would have ended at the cross what would have happened to this fleshly yet spiritual man? But, as most of us know, the story didn't stop with a crucified Jesus; it continued with a resurrected Jesus. It was this resurrected Jesus that appeared to a broken and fallen man who experienced the God whose love never runs out on us. This message will remind you of the unconditional love of God demonstrated through a resurrected savior to fallen humanity. |
Mar 24 |
Spiritual Reformation that leads to External Transformation
Speaker - Pastor Jim Balzano |
When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on what we celebrate as Palm Sunday he did so to the roar of the crowd fueled by their expectations that He would change the external circumstances of their lives. However, the first place Jesus went was the temple to restore its purpose. That's just how God works in the lives of His people. He begins with an internal spiritual reformation of this human temple resulting in external transformation. In need of changes in your life? It begins on the inside not the outside. |
Mar 17 |
Raising The Gift
Speaker - Pastor Jim Balzano |
This message is part four in a series of messages that speak to the marriage and the family. The Bibles says that children are a gift of God. Parents truly do understand that their children area gift to them that brings them great joy and gladness however it is imperative that parents understand that their children are also God's gift to the world. This message will challenge you to view and raise your child to be God's gift, that will pierce the heart of darkness in the world in which they live. |
Mar 10 |
Speaker - Pastor TroyFerguson |
There are times in our lives that God provides blessings. Through time, we can look at what we've been blessed with as a burden if we don't keep our focus on God's intentions of that blessing. Today's message takes you on a journey of miracles and blessings and how we respond to God's ultimate agenda. |
Mar 3 |
The Blessed House
Speaker - Pastor Jim Balzano |
Obed-Edom is a vivid example of the blessing of God that comes upon a place that will host His presence. Following two weeks of marriage messages this sermon speaks to the blessing upon a household when a family, in particular husbands and wives, will host the presence of God in an individual but also corporate way. Through this message you will be challenged to desire more of His presence while at the same time experience the blessing that comes with it. |
Feb 24 |
The Blessed Marriage - Woman's Part
Speaker - Pastor Jim Balzano |
(Last week, February 17th, Pastor Jim spoke on The Blessed Marriage - Man's part during the first service. During 2nd service, God gave him a specific message which we have audio and video for below. Audio from last week's first service is available below).
The church is pictured as being in covenant with the bridegroom Jesus Christ. That relationship is the picture of all effective and blessed relationships. Just as men have certain things they must sow in order to have a blessed marriage women have principles to sow as well. This message, while using a good bit of humor, highlights those principles that if employed will bring blessing to your marriage. |
Feb 17 |
The Judah Generation
Speaker - Pastor Jim Balzano |
Judah was the 4th son of Jacob and Leah as well as the tribe that God chose to lead in the conquest of the Promised Land after the death of Jacob. Judah proves to be a intriguing study through scripture and gives incredible insight on how we believes, descendants of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, should live. As an individual you will be challenged to live a life that reflects the good qualities of the man Judah. As a corporate body we are challenged to live a life that reflects the good qualities of the tribe of Judah but more importantly the qualities of Christ who came through the line of Judah. |
The Blessed Marriage
The Man's Part (audio) |
Feb 10 |
The Blessed Life
Sessions 5 &6 |
We are showing a powerful video series entitled, The Blessed Life from Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway church. If you missed one of the sessions, you can catch up by visiting |
Feb 3 |
Help Is On The Way
Speaker - Pastor Jim Balzano |
Many believers have faced incredible battles in their lives and quite simply are in need of divine help. Psalm 20 is a wonderful prayer of help in the day of trouble and an expectancy that God will send help from His Sanctuary. All through the scriptures we see the God of Heaven reaching into the lives of His people by truly sending help in the day of trouble. Take heart! Your help is on the way! |
Jan 27 |
Off The Map
Speaker - Pastor Jim Balzano |
The book of Joshua is one of the most exciting books of the Bible in showing how God was taking his people into His Promises. This was unchartered territory for them and was "off their map". This generation had not been there before but now, led by Joshua, they would go beyond the boundaries of their last 40 years. God takes all of us off of the map that we have become accustomed to. He takes us beyond our borders to a place where we've never been. This message will encourage to have the courage to follow God off the map and in return reap the blessings of doing so. |
Jan 20 |
The Blessed Life
Sessions 3 & 4 |
We are showing a powerful video series entitled, The Blessed Life from Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway church. If you missed one of the sessions, you can catch up by visiting |
Jan 13 |
The Blessed Life
Sessions 1 & 2 |
We are showing a powerful video series entitled, The Blessed Life from Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway church. If you missed one of the sessions, you can catch up by visiting |
Jan 6 |
The Year of Blessing
Speaker - Pastor Jim Balzano |
On the first Sunday of the year this message was preached for the body of PVAG to expect this to be a year of blessing. However it will not be a year of blessing because God suddenly remembered to bless us but rather, we as individuals, families and the corporate body learn realize the blessings God desires to pour out. Simply put, God desires to bless and we need to learn HOW to walk in those blessings. Make this year a year of blessing. |
If you would like a message to be replicated to audio CD, contact us at 944-1948.